TRAINING (2.4.1)

Il portale web fornisce l'accesso a metodi e strumenti per la collaborazione tra esperti e parti coinvolte dalla scienza e dalla pratica al fine di rispondere alle sfide sociali che sono sia reali che specifiche del contesto.di più

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Method factsheets for td-research

Our method factsheets briefly characterize a method or tool which is already described in another – online and open access – resource compilation.

Whenever a method is already described online in an adequate manner for the purpose of transdisciplinary research, a method factsheet serves as an interface between the td-net web portal and a related resource compilation. The factsheets contain comments by the editors of the td-net web portal on further aspects to consider when contextualizing the methods within td processes. The factsheet, the link to the more detailed method description and the references for further reading should support the decision whether this is a method you can use for your purposes. If you have any questions on how to adapt & apply the method, please contact us:

The brief method factsheets (with a link to a more detailed method description) complement the detailed method profiles of the td-net toolbox.
Both – method factsheets and method profiles – are integrated in the search structure of the td-net web portal, where you can search recommended methods by key issues or by phases of a td process.

With the factsheets we intend to link the td-net web portal with other resource compilations and leverage synergies.

This section is extended continuously.
If you can recommend an already existing method description to complement our web portal, please contact us: .

Method factsheets overview (in alphabetical order)