TRAINING (2.4.1)

Questo portale web spiega come funziona l'editing del genoma nella selezione delle piante. Presenta le colture genomicamente modificate provenienti da ricerche di breeding che potrebbero essere di interesse per la Svizzera e risponde alle domande più frequenti sull'argomento.


Open Data and Data Management – Issues and Challenges

Minutes of the Workshop 2018

Organised by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), the one-day workshop on Open Data and Data Management gathered around 120 participants on Monday, 29 October 2018 in Berne. Globally, it was a very successful event enabling the sharing of partially contrasting opinions on the topic by all involved parties. The main outcome is that a general practice cannot be followed, because each scientific field has its specific needs and limitations.

Minutes of the Workshop on Open Data and Data Management 2018
Immagine: Platform MAP / SCNAT

Autori: Piattaforma MAP
Dichiarazione Pagina: 8

