TRAINING (2.4.1)

Questo portale web spiega come funziona l'editing del genoma nella selezione delle piante. Presenta le colture genomicamente modificate provenienti da ricerche di breeding che potrebbero essere di interesse per la Svizzera e risponde alle domande più frequenti sull'argomento.


Environmental change and migration in developing countries

How do global environmental change and particularly climate change influence migration patterns in develop- ing countries? This question is increasingly receiving at- tention up to the highest political levels. The present fact sheet summarises state-of-the-art scientific knowledge that can help to find answers, and it assesses how the issue affects Switzerland and its policies on migration, asylum, and development cooperation. Most studies’ findings suggest that Switzerland will not be flooded with masses of environmental refugees. Population movements that are triggered by climatic factors occur mainly across short distances – within states and, to a lesser degree, between neighbouring states. Switzerland’s main challenge is to provide as- sistance in the countries and regions affected.

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  • Era ghiacciata
  • Proteine
  • Quaternario