Biodiversity, a guarantee of health?
Biodiversity makes an important contribution to a healthy life. This is confirmed by an analysis of scientific studies published by the Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT) as a fact sheet. Conclusion: the considerable preventive and therapeutic potential of biodiversity is still largely untapped.
A natural or nearly natural environment has a positive effect on human health in many ways. This means that a natural environment can also help meet public health challenges. These include obesity, certain chronic, infectious and non-communicable diseases, depression and anxiety, and also child development and cognitive aging. In order to give everyone contact with and access to high-quality nature, it is advisable to strengthen the development and conservation of green spaces and natural landscapes with rich biological diversity. This requires close cooperation at local and national level between public health, urban development, spatial planning and nature conservation. At the same time, inter- and transdisciplinary research is needed to increase knowledge about the links between health and biodiversity.
Swiss Academies Factsheets
- Meine erste Publikation
- HOTSPOT 48/23 Biodiversité et affectation du sol
- The New Global Connect: Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Their Local Impacts
- Physics in Switzerland – driving economy, triggering innovation, empowering citizens
- Fiche d’information « La valeur inestimable du géopatrimoine suisse »
- What Switzerland can do for biodiversity
- Rendere tangibili le prestazioni del paesaggio
- Diversité des insectes en Suisse
- Tackling climate change and biodiversity loss jointly
- Pesticides : répercussions sur l’environnement, la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques
- Achieving the SDGs with Biodiversity
- Apports excessifs d’azote et de phosphore nuisent à la biodiversité, aux forêts et aux eaux
- Biodiversity damaging subsidies in Switzerland
- How can local populations be won over to protected areas?
- Gene Drive: vantaggi, rischi e possibili applicazioni
- Selezione vegetale – dall’incrocio classico all’editing genomico
- Small state, big companies
- Variety is the source of life
- Opportunités et conséquences d’une taxe d’incitation sur le CO2 prélevée sur les carburants
- Instruments pour une politique climatique et énergétique efficace
- Biodiversity, a guarantee of health?
- Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges
- L’importance nationale des collections suisses de sciences naturelles
- Governance of regional development
- Reverse emissions or influence solar radiation: Is “geoengineering” worthwhile, feasible and if so, at what price?
- Wildlife and humans in outdoor recreational areas near cities
- New approaches for protecting potatoes against late blight
- L'acqua in Svizzera
- Il clima svizzero sotto i riflettori
- Outdoor Sports Infrastructure Planning – Hiking and Mountain Biking
- Ozone et smog estival: les changements climatiques menacent les succès d’aujourd’hui
- Factsheet «New plant breeding techniques for Swiss agriculture – significant potential, uncertain future»
- Stratégie énergétique et santé – ce dont il faudra tenir compte pour la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie énergétique 2050
- Making the Commodity Sector Work for Developing Countries - Local Impacts, Global Links, and Knowledge Gaps
- Switzerland and the Commodities Trade - Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
- Health and global change in an interconnected world - Concerns and responsibilities for Switzerland
- Harmoniser la politique énergétique et la protection du climat avec la qualité de l'air
- Parchi svizzeri e il valore aggiunto del turismo
- A Focus on fracking
- Abeilles et autres pollinisateurs: importance pour l'agriculture et la biodiversité (2014)
- Le piante geneticamente modificate e il loro significato per l’agricoltura svizzera
- Environmental changes and migration in developing countries
- Les Alpes envahies par l’aulne vert (2013)
- Food security for a planet under pressure – and the challenges for Switzerland
- Mountains, a priority for a planet under pressure and for Switzerland
- Water security for a planet under pressure – and the consequences for Switzerland
- Biodiversité et services écosystémiques à l'échelle mondiale et en Suisse (2012)
Swiss Academies Factsheets à la biodiversité
- What Switzerland can do for biodiversity
- Diversité des insectes en Suisse
- Tackling climate change and biodiversity loss jointly
- Pesticides : répercussions sur l’environnement, la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques
- Achieving the SDGs with Biodiversity
- Apports excessifs d’azote et de phosphore nuisent à la biodiversité, aux forêts et aux eaux
- Biodiversity damaging subsidies in Switzerland
- Gene Drive: vantaggi, rischi e possibili applicazioni
- Variety is the source of life
- Biodiversity, a guarantee of health?
- Disparition des insectes en Suisse et conséquences éventuelles pour la société et l’économie
- Abeilles et autres pollinisateurs: importance pour l'agriculture et la biodiversité (2014)
- Les Alpes envahies par l’aulne vert (2013)
- Biodiversité et services écosystémiques à l'échelle mondiale et en Suisse (2012)
- Les coûts d'une protection conforme aux exigences légales des biotopes d'importance nationale