TRAINING (2.4.1)

Neve, ghiacciai e permafrost sono di grande importanza per la Svizzera e i loro cambiamenti sono documentati da misurazioni dettagliate. Questo portale web mostra e spiega alcune serie di misurazioni a lungo termine selezionate della criosfera.di più

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmondi più

Abstract Volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2009, Neuchâtel

Water Across Boundaries

Abstract Volume SGM 2009
  1. Water across (scientific) boundaries
  2. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
  3. Mineralogy-Petrology-Geochemistry
  4. Open Cryosphere session
  5. Meteorology and climatology
  6. Darwin, Evolution and Palaeontology
  7. Future horizons in marine and continental research drilling
  8. Geoscience and Geoinformation – From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
  9. Water and land resources in developing countries: towards innovative management and governance
  10. Processes and environments influenced by water – boundaries crossed and encountered in the Quaternary research
  11. Decision oriented modelling of the geosphere
  12. Biological, physical and chemical processes in soils

Autori: Dr. Pierre Dèzes, Piattaforma Geoscienze
Dichiarazione Pagina: 312


  • Scienze geologiche


Dr Pierre Dèzes
Piattaforma Geoscienze
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
