TRAINING (2.4.1)

Ce portail offre des connaissances de base sur le thème de l'astronomie et présente les travaux et coopérations de recherche actuels en Suisse.

Immagine: ESO

Prix de Quervain - Price ceremony 2022


18:00 - 20:30

Luogo della manifestazione

Alpines Museum Bern
Helvetiaplatz 4
3005 Bern

The "Prix de Quervain" for Polar and High Altitude Research is attributed to young scientists for outstanding achievements in their MA or PhD thesis or other research projects. The "Prix de Quervain" is announced annually, alternately for research activities related to polar regions or high altitude research. In 2022, the call was open in the field of polar research.

Award Ceremony of the Prix de Quervain 2022
Immagine: SCNAT

At the occasion of the "Prix de Quervain", a symposium featuring renowned speakers takes place every autumn. The author of the awarded MA and PhD thesis will be given the occasion to present his research results during this event to an interdisciplinary public.


  • Welcoming address
    Beat Hächler, Director Alpines Museum der Schweiz
  • Introduction
    Prof. Patricia Holm, SKPH; a+ / SCNAT
  • Guest lecture and book vernissage
    Prof. Silvio Decurtins, SCNAT / HFSJG - Einführung
    Dr. Leander Diener, Universität Zürich
    Das Jungfraujoch:Geschichte der Hochalpinen Forschungsstation 1922-1952
  • Presentation of the award-winning works
    • Dr. Jens Terhaar, Prof. T. Frölicher, University of Berne
      Der Südozean - Wie gross ist das Tor ins Ozeaninnere wirklich?
    • Dr. Julie Pasquier, ETH Zürich
      Auf der Spur von Eiskristallbildung in Arktischen Wolken
    • ​Dr. Andrea Baccarini, EPF Lausanne
      Iodine chemistry and new particle formation in the central Arctic
  • Award of the Prix de Quervain 2022 in the field of polar research
    ​Prof. Patricia Holm, SKPH; a+ / SCNAT
  • Apéro


  • Ricerca dell'altitudine
Registration by email to (Deadline: Nov. 17th)
Lingue: Inglese, Tedesco